Injuries That A Sports Medicine Clinic Handles

11 December 2014
 Categories: , Blog

As someone who spends a lot of time exercising, whether professionally or for fun, there may come a time where you experience an injury that would be best treated by someone from a sports medicine clinic. If you are not sure whether or not they can provide the type of care you will need, you can take a look at the following types of care that is commonly given at these types of clinics. Read More 

8 Ways To Help Protect Your Children’s Feet When They Play Sports

3 December 2014
 Categories: , Blog

Concussions, torn ligaments, and broken bones often come to mind when parents think about sports injuries their children may face. But they shouldn't forget their children's feet, since they too are used - and often overused - in many sports and can be susceptible to injuries and other issues. The following eight tips can help you keep your child's feet as healthy and injury-free as possible: 1. Provide the right shoes For children age 10 and younger, an all-purpose sports shoe will suit their needs for most sports, according to the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine. Read More 

Osgood-Schlatter Disease And Teens: Advice For Parents

16 September 2014
 Categories: , Blog

Osgood-Schlatter disease (named after the two doctors who first diagnosed the condition in 1903) is a painful type of knee injury. The condition is relatively common in teenagers, and can cause problems for months or years. If you think your teen may have Osgood-Schlatter disease, learn more about the cause and symptoms of the disease, as well as what you need to do to manage the condition. Causes Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is an overuse injury that affects the knee. Read More